Innovation in Sports Management

Subject code: SPO230

Subject Aim

This subject aims to equip you with creative and innovative approaches to investigating, researching and considering the important issue of international sport. The following broad aims will be addressed: Firstly, develop a thorough understanding of what the concept of innovation means in sport management; Secondly, apply a methodology of analysis of a sporting organisation/business/club and benchmark against the best in their field. This level of analysis is both at the individual level, organisational level and systematic level; Thirdly, explore the current cutting edge sports innovators in respect to thinking, “the Game”, business, equipment, facilities and technology.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Explain the concept of innovation, globalisation, creativity and entrepreneurship
  2. Define benchmarking and apply benchmarking to a variety of areas applicable to sport in order to guide the development and improvement of an organisation
  3. Show understanding of the importance of enterprising and robust organisational structures
  4. Recognise and implement prioneering marketing and ideas on ‘new thinking’, towards branding, sponsorship deals, leveraging, promotions, and revenue streams
  5. Explore various inventive revenue streams and analyse the niche markets of extreme sports
  6. Understand the importance of motivation, visionary leadership and team cohesion for a cutting edge sports organisation./li>

Student Assessment

Exams will take place in weeks 12 & 13. Please refer to the official Exam Timetable for further information. Students are required to prepare for assessments by reading the subject matter in course notes, handouts and readings as well as independently researching. Class work and practical application of theory assist in reinforcing the importance of this subject’s topics. Each student is required to participate in class discussions and activities.

The overall assessment program is the following:

No Assessment Issued Due Weighting Type Outcomes
1 Sport Innovation Case Study Proposal Week 1 Week 3 10% Individual Assignment 1,4,6
2 Sport Innovation Case Study Report Week 1 Week 9 30% Individual Assignment 1,2,3,4,6
3 Innovation Pitch Week 1 Week 10 20% Individual Assignment 1,3,4,5
4 Final Exam Exam Week/s Exam Week/s 40% Final Exam 1,2,3,4,5,6

the ISCA
