Introduction to Sport Management

Subject code: SPO110

Subject Aim

The subject enables you to gain a basic understanding of a number of key aspects of the business of sport and how it differentiates itself from other industries. The subject looks at internal aspects of sporting organisations such as strategic sport management, marketing, human resource and financial management and future sport management challenges. It also looks at external factors such as professional sport, new media, not for profit and organisational structures, governance and the role of the state, including the influence of politics in the business of sport. All topics draw on Australian and international case studies and modern day examples to support the theory.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Identify the various processes and factors that are involved as sport evolves to a business
  2. Understand what makes sport different to conventional business including professional and volunteer sport
  3. Discuss the concepts of governance and explain the relevance of these concepts to management in sports industries
  4. Explain how government funding, sponsorship and attitudes determine the profile and perceived value of specific sports
  5. Explain the basic elements of sports marketing including digital communications
  6. Identify the major future challenges and drivers of change in the sport industry.

Student Assessment

Exams will take place in weeks 12 & 13. Please refer to the official Exam Timetable for further information. Students are required to prepare for assessments by reading the subject matter in course notes, handouts and readings as well as independently researching. Class work and practical application of theory assist in reinforcing the importance of this subject’s topics. Each student is required to participate in class discussions and activities.

The overall assessment program is the following:

No Assessment Issued Due Weighting Type Outcomes
1 Report – My Dream Job in Sport Week 1 Week 5 20% Individual Assignment 2,6
2 Business Report Week 1 Week 9 40% Individual Assignment 1,3,4,5,6
3 Final Exam Week 1 Exam Week/s 40% Final Exam 1,2,3,4,5,6

the ISCA
